Why Create Folding Chairs and Table?
Well, when I was a child my parents worked in the Antique and Modern Furniture business. Back then I really couldn’t stand all the dark tones of the furniture (it was antique) and the strange smells of the places we would go in order to buy it (mostly public salerooms).
Although I didn’t enjoy those trips much, I sure did learn a lot about furniture.
For most of my working life I avoided the whole antique and modern business, but now in later life I came to appreciate how much beauty you can bring into your life with a few good pieces of furniture and how much money you can save by buying wisely. It is my aim to share this experience with others and a website seemed to be the best format through which I could achieve it.
In the long term I hope to make this site the best furniture advice site on the web, but that goal is a long way away as yet. So for now I will just concentrate on Folding Chairs and Tables.